Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Grading Sheet

Grading Spreadsheet

18th Century Political

18th Century Germany
Leaders of the Time

Royal blood and holy leaders.
The Holy Roman Empire
A continuation of the Roman Empire
Existed from 962(AD)-1806
Dissolved into Kingdom of Prussia
Leopold I
Kingdom of Prussia
Successor of Holy Roman Empire?

Frederick I King in Prussia(1688-1703)
Frederick the Great(1740-1786)
Great Britain

King of Prussia

The Hessens!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

20th Century Literature and Poems

Writers and Poets of 20th Century Germany
By: Matt Dehn, Miranda Scherer, Lacey Harp, Robert Niehoff, 
Tom Monson, Angela Balcome, Tim Cox and Starsha Vang
Pre war(1900-1914)
Built up emotions that lead to war

Reaction of Conditions
New Objectivism
A better lifestyle?
War Era 1915-1945
Much written about this era!

Expressionism Era Effected

Book Burning Hyperlink
POST WAR(1945-1959)
Much writing about holocaust survival

Aftermath of War

Hans Fallada
Born in Greifswald in 1893
Pseudonyms come from Grimm Fairy Tales
Died in 1947 at 54 years of age
Works include
Little Man- What Now?
Alone in Berlin
Little Man- What Now?
Published in 1932
Made into a Movie- released in US in 1934
Alone in Berlin
Published in 1947
Based on true story
Became bestseller in US/UK when translated into English
Thomas Kling
Wrote Manhatten Mouthspace about 9/11 disaster
Died in 2005
Anna Seghers/ Netty Reiling
Born as Netty Reiling in Mainz
Studied Philology (study of language), History and Sinology (study of classical language and literature) at Heidelber in Cologne.
Published Die Gefährten in 1932 warning about fascism. Leading to her arrest and later working for an anti-fascist magazine.
In 1950 she was a co-founder of the GDR.
Died in 1983
Günter Eich
Born February 1, 1907 in Lebus, Brandenburg
Served in German Army during WWII
Poet, Playwrite, Author
Died 1972
Works of Günter Eich
Rebellion in der Goldstadt (1940)
Züge im Nebel (1947)
Abgelegene Gehöfte (1948)
Träume. Vier Spiele (1953)
Das Jahr Lazertis (1954)
Botschaften des Regens (1955) 
Stimmen (1958)
Zu den Akten (1964)
Anlässe und Steingärten (1966)
Maulwürfe (1968)
Ein Tibeter in Meinem
Büro (1970)
Nach Seumes Papieren (1972)
Erich Remarque
Born 1898
Wrote All Quiet on the Western Front after his experience on the Western front
Left Germany in 1931
In 1933 the Nazis banned and destroyed all copies of All Quiet on the Western Front
In 1943 the Nazi party arrested his sister for undermining morale. She was sentenced to death by guillotine
Other Works of Erich Remarque
The Road Back 
Three Comrades
Arch of Triumph
A Spark of Life
Time to Live and Time to Die
Christa Wolf
Born March 18, 1929 in Brandenburg
Literacy Critic, Novelist, Essayist
One of the best-known writers from East Germany
First recipient of the German Book Prize
Best known work was with Der Geteilte Himmel (1963)
Anne Frank
Born June 12, 1929
German-Jewish teen, forced into hiding during the Holocaust
Spent 25 months above her fathers office in Amsterdam
In March, 1945, 9 months after she and her family was found. Anne Frank died of typhus at the age of 15.
Her Diary was published in 1947, later becoming one of the most widely read books in the world
Aldona Gustas
Born in Lithuania March 2, 1932
Moved to Berlin in 1941
Published 11 books of poetry between 1962-1980. 
Main theme being Love
Received Rahel Varnhagen Medal in 1997. 
Erich Kastner
Born in Dresden on February 23, 1899
Author, Screenwriter
Humorous Poetry
Childrens Literature
Drafted in WWI at 18 years old
Published Emil Und Die Detektive (1928)- Best-known childrens book
Novel Fabian (1931) made into movie released in 1980

Alfred Döblin 
Worked at Journalist in Berlin
Won Fontane Prize for Die drei Sprünge des Wang-Lung (1915)
Was German Army doctor during WWI
Became President of German Writers Association in 1924
Most famous work was Berlin Alexanderplatz (1929)
Worked for MGM Studios in USA in 1940 before moving to France in 1945

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

20th Century Roles of Men and Women in Society

20th Century Roles of Men and Women in Society
By: Tom Monson, Miranda Scherer, Robert Niehoff, Matt Dehn, 
Tim Cox, Angela Balcome, Sarsha Vang, Monica Riebe, Brett Clark- Hedlof
Military Roles
All men age 18-23 were obligated to go through a nine month training before going into war 
There are approximately 200,000 soldiers that are considered professional and 300,000 that are more civilian, but are on reserve and are able to become active at any given time
Some men were forced into war through guilt or shame of their family and friends during WWI and WWII
All major German military and political leaders were men

Military roles
In WWII Women took on the more traditional roles that men had filled.
During WWII Women tended to the sick and wounded, buried the dead, cleared the streets of rubble and ruins and salvaged what they could.
In 1975, German women were sought out to join the military, mostly as nurses

Political Roles
1919- Women receive the right to vote
1949- Basic Law made men and women equal, but until 1957 this law wasn’t amended into the civil code
Domestic Roles
the three "K" words: Kirche, Kinder and Küche. (church, children and cooking) 
Also, women were meant to bear “Aryan” children and were taught to do so through aggressive propaganda.

East German society
East Germany
Women remained working
Laws were revised to accommodate working mothers and many daycares opened up
Abortion was legalized for the 1st trimester
East Germany relied on women due to the number of males fleeing to West Germany
90% of women made up the workforce and ½ of the German Trade Union Federation

West German Society
West Germany
After WWII women became homemakers again because the men were back from war
West women wanted the same rights as east women (abortion, working rights, education)
Primarily male driven at first
More then half of the people getting a secondary education was women after 1977
East women were more educated then west, because west women wanted to keep the traditional role
In 1980 women were just as qualified as men

Work Force 
Women’s salary was still only about 65-78% of the male salary
Women could not hold top positions
Most women still worked the traditional jobs, such as school teachers and nurses

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Berlin Calling

1. What do drugs mean to Ickarus? 
Drugs are a way for Ickarus to relax, and be himself. It is also something that all him and his friends have in common. When he parties, Ickarus does drugs.
2. Why, when, and how are his fans taking drugs, and which drugs do they take?
The drugs Ickarus's fans take are mainly designer drugs. LSD, MDMA, ketamine, crystal meth, PMA, MPA, and weed were all mentioned in the movie. They take drugs to make the music better and the parties more enjoyable. It is also something that everyone has in common, besides the music.
3. While we can see that his drug habits get him ill and into a psychosis, and while we witness his relapse and inability to work successfully, why does the subculture Ickarus is in focus on drugs?
The drugs are just another hobby that everyone that listens to music partakes in. It also allows the people to work very hard during the day and go to their little disco parties all night long.
4. Compare the standards you know from your home society with the people you see depicted in this movie. Which are the stark differences and contrasts?
In the movie i believe that there is more prostitutes, crappy hopitality in the psych ward, and a train takes people everywhere. I also noticed that Ickarus had a bunch of polo shirts with an emblum on the top right chest. They looked soccer shirts, which you barely see in America. The doctor smokes, there were no McDonald's, there were a few fat people, and the cars are small.
5. Germany is considered a strong industrial nation the world over. Do you think that the youth culture as depicted here could change that? How about work ethics of Ickarus and of Alice, the label director who fires and then re-signs him?
Their musc is industial so that changed in this generatiuon. Ickarus treated Aice(his boss) like crap. In the end,however, she still signed him and produced his record.
6. Which similar "cult movies" of US origin have you seen, if any?
I have seen Boondock Saints, Cheech and Chong, and Clerks.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How was and is the book 'All quiet on the Western Front' received by readers and what does it stand for?

'All Quiet on the Western Front' was revieved by readers as a powerful tale. "
* 'Brian Murdoch's new English translation...shows that Remarque's evocation of the horrors of modern warfare has lost none of its force' - The Times *
'There are some books that should be read by every generation. The latest translation and republication of Remarque's story of German trench soldiers of the 1914-18 war gains even more authority in the context of the loss of life in wars that still rage from Bosnia to Kashmir' Chris Searle
* 'The book conquers without persuading, it shakes you without exaggerating, a perfect work of art and at the same time truth that cannot be doubted' Stefan Sweig" --This text refers to the Paperback edition. 
These reviews were taken from My belief is that it had the same effect on me as it did many other people. 'All Queit on the Western Front' was a very impressionable book. According to these reviews it is modest and powerful. Every generation should read this book because it details what it's like to lose innocents while fighting at war. This book is like a wedge between the thought of going to war or having peace. If your on the edge of one of the two, choose this book and make a choice. The author uses a bone chilling tone to make you honestly feel bad for anyone in war. Mainly because you have no free choice, just an everlasting impression of hell. One thing that most of these interviews have in common is how great a book this is. Even though they were all taken from a website trying to sell the book, these are professional journals that are expressing their opinion. I love the quote by Stefan Sweigs review and how it say it conquers without persuading. That is a great quote to explain what should be done about going into any war.  (2011)

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Chapter Seven of "All Quiet on the Western Front"

The chapter starts out with Paul and what's left of his company moving back into safe German territory. This is a huge break after being in the Front Lines for so long. While in safe territory, they eat good and get a lot of sleep. During this time they get to meet three French women and Paul loses his v-card. After this event, Paul is granted a seventeen day leave. He takes the train home after a couple of days of rest behind ally lines. When he gets home he meets up with his mom, dad, and sister. When he talks to his mom he lies about the war and finds out she is sick again with cancer. He meets up with a commander back in his hometown and Paul gets angry at the commander for making Paul look like a tool. After this event, Paul goes to the beer garden and meets up with some of his people in his hometown. His father and his school teacher ask him a bunch of question which he lies about. Kantorak is recruited later in the chapter and Middelstaedt talks trash about him being a sloppy soldier. At the end of the chapter he says good-bye to his mother and returns to the camp on the moors.

Character List

Paul Bäumer: The main character of the novel. Kat is his best friend. Kropp is his classmate along with most of the others on the front line in his company.
Katczinsky: Paul's close friend. Also known as Kat. He is way older than Paul too.
Albert Kropp: Went to school with Paul. He's the one that always asked questions of why they were fighting. Kropp and Paul get injured together and Kropp has to get a leg amputated.
Müller: Another one of Paul's classmates. He dies by getting shot with a flare gun.
Tjaden: A friend in Paul's company. He's a big guy that hates Himmelstoss in the begining, but after they fight a bunch on the front line with him Tjaden gets to like Himmelstoss.
Kantorek: The school teacher that gets Paul and his friends to enlist in the military. He is a patriotic guy that calls his class the "Iron Youth".
Himmelstoss: The commander of Paul's company. Everybody doesn't like him for his strict ways. Then the company realizes that it probably saved their lives in the field.
Kemmerich: This person went to the same school as Paul. He dies from a amputated leg in chapter 2.
Behm: The very first of Paul's classmates to die in the war. He dies from getting concussed and blinded in No Man's Land, then gunned down in front of the company from machine gun fire.
Detering: This is the guy that was in Paul's company and got particularly angry during the war because of the horse farm that got destroyed by artillery.
French Guy Paul Kills: Paul killed this man by stabbing him in the throat. It is the most intimate way Paul ever killed anyone in the war. He even read the diary of the man while hiding in a artillery crater.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Joseph Behm

Hi, I'm Joseph Behm. I was the first to get screwed over by my school teacher Kantorak. When I joined the war, I was the most reluctant to sign up. Thanks to peer pressure, I decided to sign up. Around the first few days of being in the trenches it was just an ordinary day. Then an artillery shell threw me into No Man's Land. I don't remember this happening because I blacked out but when I woke up I couldn't tell what the heck was happening. I stood up and screamed for my friends. I think I heard them yelling back for me but then I got pounded with machine gun fire. If I was going to do this all over again I would have stayed in my peaceful little hometown and never listend to my teacher Kantorak. I also don't understand why I got such a minor part ion the book, I was clearly the coolest character.

Thesis Statement / Essay Topic #3 : The Function of Detailed Graphic Gore and Violence in “All Quiet on the Western Front” by Erich Maria Remarque

Let me just start with the “All Quiet on the Western Front” was an amazing book written by Erich Maria Remarque. The descriptiveness surpassed no other. The book was extraordinary on describing every detail for the gruesomeness of WWI. That's what I would love to focus on. Every sense of destruction was covered. Every limb, every rotting appendage, every gruesome murder was accounted for. Erich was a captivating war novelist. I almost threw up at multiple times! Allow me to list them; when Behm, the person who was least likely to join the war, joined... He was the first to be killed, and it was gruesome! Behm was blinded in no mans land, stood up in confusion and got shot down! Then when the farm got bombarded by artillery was very gruesome. Chapter 4 page 62 where Paul described about the horses was messed up! I never want to go to war simply because of how sharply Erich detailed this process. No one wins at war and there simply is no beauty in it. However, Erich the author did capture the beauty of Paul Baumers hometown and that was nothing compared to how crappy it was in war. His respect of beauty died with the war. What was the point of respecting beauty if everything can be destroyed in war? My hypothesis of this question is you can't. If someone recovers from what Paul Baumer saw, they have some serious brain damage.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Three States of Study

In this study, the three states of Germany that were given to study are; Schelswig-Holstein, Rheinland-Pfalz, Nordrhein-Westfalen. I will begin with explaining Schelswig-Holstein.

Schelswig-Holstein belongs to the northern border of Germany. The territory runs the most north compared to all the other states. The capital is Kiel located on the eastern border in the territory. Kiel is also the largest city within the state. According to, the GDP of the state is 69 billion euros. 69 billion euros is about 96 billion US dollars. The states religion is composed of about 54% of the Evangelical church of Germany and 6% of Roman Catholics. The state itself has a port to two different seas; the Baltic and the North sea. The state is sparsely populated with a total population of 2.5 million people within 6,080 sq. miles of land. Obviously since there is 2 oceans around the state it relies on fishing. Another economic resource is farming. "For more than 100 years Kiel hosts the "Kieler Woche" during the last week of June. It is the greatest sailing event in the world and the biggest summer festival in Northern Europe and thousands of top class sailors from all over the world together with half a million spectators flock into the city."--- This is a fact directly from

The second German state I would like to explain is Rheinland-Pfalz. This is a western state that is 7,633 square miles with a population of about 4 million people. The GDP of the area is 102 billion euros which is the same as about 143 billion US dollars. Rheinland-Pfalz was established in 1943. The state is composed of 2 religous types; 46% catholic church and 35% evangelical church of Germany. The Eifel and Hunsruck are found in the northern part of Rhineland-Plafz. The state is the largest producer of wine in terms of grape cultivation and wine exports.  The capital is Mainz. The chemical indistry is the biggest in the world(also known as BASF).

The last state I will sum up is Nordrhein-Westfalen. This state is the most western state in Germany. Most populous economically developed in Germany. The state was ratified in 1947. The four of the top 10 populated cities in Germany are in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Those towns are Cologne, Dusseldorf(capital), Dortmund, and Essens. The lowest of these towns has a big population of 500,000 people.  The state is 13,160 square miles and has a total population of almost 18,000,000 people. It is one of the largest energy and mining producer in Europe. "Cologne Cathedral certainly is the city’s best-known attraction. It is the biggest of its type in Europe whose construction started in 1248 and, after several pauses some of which lasted  centuries, was at last finished between the year 1842 and 1880." -- here is another fact pulled directly from

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Assignment

The world heritage spots that that I chose are the Town of Bamberg and Places and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin.
The town of Bamberg is 1100 years old. Most building are from mideival times. Six diferent languages are spolem. When Henry the second came into power in 1007 he intended Bamberg to be the 2nd Rome. It has a population of 70,000 people. It is located in central Germany, north of Nuremburg. There are 8 breweries in the city itself. Just like Rome it is built on 7 hills. Altenburg castle is the main castle.
There are many parks and places in Potsdam and Berlin.